Plastering Services in Brighton, Hove, Shoreham, Worthing and all surrounding areas

Plastering systems produce a finish to walls and ceilings prior to decoration. Brighton Remdering are familiar with all traditional and contemporary plastering and rendering materials and application techniques.

The vast range of contemporary products available can enhance the finish and improve the performance of a building; modern boarding and barrier systems systems can be used to sound proof, fire proof, waterproof and insulate.

An example of improving efficiency would be where thermal boards are applied to walls and ceilings then finished with a plaster skim coat easily reducing space heat loss in a building by up to 75%. Since space heat accounts for 65% of domestic building energy consumption, the cost savings can be enormous. It is now apparent that in addition to cost savings improved performance helps to produce low carbon buildings in the quest to slow down global warming.

Brighton and Hove Rendering and plastering

Innovation Creativity Ambition

Choose Brighton and Hove Rendering for quality work in East and West Sussex. Contact us today for a free quote.